Is Truth The Same In All Languages?

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What Is The Truth?

“When someone says that truth does not exist, refute the statement by asking whether
the statement is true. It doesn’t matter in which language it is expressed or challenged;
you cannot deny the truth without inherently proving it.”

CrossExamined Europe Challenges


Under an increase of natural disaster, pandemics and fear, a fight for the truth has burst forth. What is the truth about our universe, about mankind and God. At CrossExamined we wrestle with some of life’s most important questions of Origin, Purpose, Morality and Eternity.


Truth stands on its own two feet; it is discovered not determined. Deception is the distorting of the truth, either by malice or through ignorance. Now more than ever deception has become rampant event in the land of Europe.


Many people follow what is promoted and accepted within their cultural context, the question is, does it influence how we understand our faith? We believe it does. Various cultures promote many different ideologies whether these are faith based or relating to the truth. At CrossExamined Africa we seek to equip you to engage in these culturally relevant conversations in an informed and effective way.

The Mission

In a world where people are no longer seeking after objective truth and almost all truth has become subjective, there is a serious need to raise the flag on objective truth. People need to be reminded of The Truth. While some argue about what is truth, we present Christ, who is the truth. CrossExamined Africa is inviting you on a journey on how Christianity is the most reasonable worldview (or any other term) by exploring:


>[We] believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

>[We] believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead.


[We] believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy [universal] church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN.


Unless truth exists, God exists, and miracles are possible, the New Testament is false. But after establishing those points, we can provide reasons to believe the New Testament is historically accurate and that Jesus really did die and rise from the dead to save humanity. Additionally, the accuracy of the New Testament points to the accuracy of the Old Testament.

Are Miracles Possible?

If miracles don’t happen, then Christianity is nonsense. We believe that miracles are not only possible, but the greatest miracle of all has already occurred and we have scientific evidence for it.


There can be no Word of God unless God exists. We believe three powerful arguments can be made for the existence of God, two scientific and one philosophical, without any reference to the Bible.


Christianity cannot be true, nor can any other worldview (including atheism), if truth is relative or just “true for you but not for me”.


Many people follow what is promoted and accepted within their cultural context, the question is, does it influence how we understand our faith? We believe it does. Various cultures promote many different ideologies whether these are faith based or relating to the truth. At CrossExamined Africa we seek to equip you to engage in these culturally relevant conversations in an informed and effective way.

Distorted Truth

Truth stands on its own two feet; it is discovered not determined. Deception is the distorting of the truth, either by malice or through ignorance. Now more than ever deception has become rampant event in the land of Africa.


Under an increase of natural disaster, pandemics and fear, a fight for the truth has burst forth. What is the truth about our universe, about mankind and God. At CrossExamined we wrestle with some of life’s most important questions of Origin, Purpose, Morality and Eternity